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Prisons fail meaning women in their healthcare policies

Our l-state survey finds that in spite of national standards, most states lack important policies on prenatal care and nutrition for pregnant women.

by Roxanne Daniel, December 5, 2019

This past August, released surveillance footage showed 26-yr-old Diana Sanchez alerting Denver County Jail deputies and medical staff that she was in labor simply hours earlier she gave birth to her son, lone in her cell. With her pleas ignored by staff, Sanchez was forced to give birth without whatsoever medical aid or help. Her experience is non isolated, as a number of reports by women in prisons and jails beyond the land have revealed a like disregard for pregnant women'due south basic needs.

What'south more than, the documentation of pregnancies and pregnancy care is sparse, sometimes anecdotal, and rarely generalizable on a national level. The well-nigh recent data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) was collected more than 15 years ago. In 2002, BJS found that 5% of women in local jails were pregnant when admitted. For prisons, BJS reported that in 2004, 4% of women in land prisons and iii% of women in federal prisons were pregnant upon access. The regime has not released any further national data since.

Chart showing estimated number of women in prisons and jails in 2017 who were pregnant when admitted. Based on pregnancy rates from BJS, we estimate that 470 women in federal prisons, 3,950 in state prisons, and 5,060 in local jails were pregnant in 2017. BJS reports that 3% of women are pregnant when admitted to federal prison, 4% are pregnant when admitted to state prisons, and 5% are pregnant when admitted to local jails. These estimates are based on the number of women under local, land, and federal jurisdiction in 2017 and the percentages of women in prisons and jails who were meaning when admitted, as reported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. *Note that the gauge for women in local jails is based on the jail population on a unmarried day, not the much greater number of women admitted to jail over the course of a yr.

A recent study of 22 U.S. state prison house systems and all U.Southward. federal prisons, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found a similar pregnancy rate; roughly 3.8% of the women in their sample were meaning when they entered prison from 2016-2017. While the rate of pregnancy in prison house may have remained stable since the early 2000s, the additional 10,000+ women imprisoned since then indicates that the number of women who are incarcerated while significant has grown, too. As long as the mass incarceration of women endures, incarcerated pregnancies will continue to rise.

Given the scale and stakes of this event, it is imperative that correctional systems set policies that ensure the health and well-beingness of pregnant women in their custody. Provisions for adequate nutrition and prenatal medical care must be codification in policy to protect confronting negative health outcomes, such as miscarriages and low fetal nascence weights, that tin can impact mothers and their children for the balance of their lives.

To see the extent to which these concerns are currently being addressed, we evaluated the policies of each state'south prison system and the federal Agency of Prisons (BOP) to screen for adherence to nationally recognized guidelines. Troublingly, many states fail to meet even basic standards.

Virtually states lack important policies on prenatal care

All U.S. prisons and jails are required to provide prenatal care nether the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution, but no detailed federal standards have been set to ensure that women are really receiving the intendance they need.

The National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) has published a set of standards for the treatment of pregnant women in prison, such every bit appropriate medical examinations every bit a component of prenatal intendance, specialized treatment for pregnant women with substance use disorders, and limited utilize of restraints throughout the class of the pregnancy. (A handy summary of the NCCHC's standards is bachelor from the Nursing for Women'south Health Journal, and the NCCHC's full position statement provides additional context.)

Often, though, states neglect to make their Section of Corrections policies publicly available, or even write guidelines on the intendance of incarcerated pregnant women in the showtime identify. Despite the work of advancement groups like the Rebecca Project for Human Rights and the ACLU, who accept previously attempted to rails available policies state-to-state, significant information gaps remain. Informed by this prior work, we tracked which states currently provide written policy on bare-minimum health standards for incarcerated pregnant women.

The data prove that the lack of codification protocols for the care of meaning women in land prisons is a widespread effect, and fifty-fifty policies that do exist ofttimes practise not include adequate provisions for basic medical needs.

  • Although a majority of state prison house systems crave some class of medically provided prenatal care, 12 states failed to provide any policy on this vital component of a healthy pregnancy. This helps to explain why the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in the 2004 survey, found that only one-half (54%) of significant women in prison reported receiving some class of prenatal care while incarcerated.
  • Incarcerated meaning women are particularly vulnerable to pregnancy complications related to substance use disorders, poor nutrition, and sexually-transmitted infections because they oft come up from precarious social and economic environments that exacerbate these risk factors. Their pregnancies are often designated as "high risk," requiring special treatment to ensure their children are built-in in skilful health. We institute that the federal BOP and 22 states have non provided any guidelines for specialized care for "high risk" pregnancies.
  • Reports of women who accept been forced to requite birth in improper conditions, like Diana Sanchez, are far too common. In addition to reducing uncertainty and anxiety, hospital births provide a clean environment and adequate care in the effect of complications. Illuminating the shortcomings of wellness intendance for pregnant women in prison, 24 states neglect to formulate any pre-existing arrangements for deliveries.
  • The utilize of restraints (often referred to every bit shackling) has serious health impacts on pregnant women. According to the American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, shackling exacerbates pain, inhibits diagnosis of complications, and limits move during the birthing procedure. Despite national standards condemning the practice, 12 states even so provide no policy limiting restraints on women during pregnancy.

Incarcerated significant women crave highly specific care in society to protect against adverse pregnancy outcomes. According to recent information from the Johns Hopkins Schoolhouse of Medicine, in some states, over 20% of prison pregnancies resulted in miscarriages; in others, preterm birth rates exceeded the national average (nigh 10%). The variability of these outcomes speaks to the inconsistent medical care afforded women in prisons across the country, and suggests that more universal policy standards could make pregnancy outcomes more equitable.

Critical pregnancy nutrition standards are besides missing from policy

In an April 2019 tour of the Arizona Land Prison house Complex at Perryville, the Prison Constabulary Function found that meaning or recently meaning women universally reported receiving inadequate diet during their pregnancies. Here, diets were reported to exist largely defective in fruit and vegetables, and the merely boosted food pregnant women received was an extra peanut butter sandwich and a carton of milk per twenty-four hours.

National guidelines conspicuously country that adequate diet is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Furthermore, the American Public Health Association cites unbalanced, inadequate diets as adventure factors for preterm nativity, birth defects, and other developmental problems in early childhood.

In our analysis, we found that 31 states lack any policy on nutrition for incarcerated significant women (see the Appendix). Yet, fifty-fifty the prison systems with policies mentioning nutrition provide too much room for substandard enforcement. For example, in 12 states, no guidelines exist beyond vague phrasing such as "adequate" or "advisable" nutrition. This allows for a wide range of abuses and deficiencies, similar the lack of nutritious options reported in the Arizona State Prison Complex at Perryville.

California is a notable exception, providing an important policy model that includes specific requirements for supplemental nutrition for incarcerated pregnant women. Past provisioning "two extra eight ounce cartons of milk or a calcium supplement if lactose intolerant, 2 extra servings of fresh fruit, and two extra servings of fresh vegetables daily" with extra allowance for "additional nutrients" ordered past a doctor, the nutritional supplement pregnant women need is explicitly detailed. Unfortunately, California was the simply state found to have provided a meaningful food breakdown of additional food allowances for pregnant women.

Improving prison policies is simply the first step

Fifty-fifty when information technology exists, land policy is not ever adhered to. In the Prison Police Office'south bout of the prison in Perryville, women reported being shackled during ship to the hospital too as in-cell deliveries as a event of inadequate monitoring. Arizona policy requires prisons to make arrangements for deliveries in advance and prohibits shackling during transport in their state policy, but the stories of these women reveal a critical implementation gap.

Further, our assay focuses on policy affecting state and federal prison house systems, excluding canton-operated jails. Policy for local jails is even more variable, inaccessible, and incomplete, which makes it difficult to assess the care of pregnant women in jail custody. Policy gaps likely also brand it harder for jail staff to provide acceptable care for pregnant women. Given the higher pregnancy rate amidst women admitted to jails and the large share of women held in jails, egregious failures like Diana Sanchez's feel are likely far as well common.

Given enforcement gaps and the shortage of available jail information, it is articulate that equitable standards of care for pregnant women are urgently needed to protect the health of incarcerated women and their children. Of class, policy is simply a stepping stone to acceptable conditions. Beyond explicit standards of care, comprehensive data collection and insights from incarcerated meaning women are key to evaluating the truthful touch on of locking upwards this especially vulnerable population.

The long-term effects of inadequate wellness care are an insidious collateral consequence of incarceration. When the future wellness and well-being of mothers and their children are at stake, comprehensive policy and reform is past due.

Appendix: States with policies specifically mentioning nutrition for pregnant women in prison
State Policy on nutrition for meaning women Policy language or specifications
Arizona AZ DOC Diet Reference Transmission (June 2018) Recommends an additional 300 kcal per day and an additional 10g of protein (for a full of at least 60g per day). The manual states that, "This nutrition provides an adequate quantity of most nutrients as prescribed by the RDA Standards of the National Academy of Science – National Research Council." Prenatal vitamins are also recommended.
California 15 CCR § 3050, 15 CA ADC § 3050 "Meaning inmates shall receive two extra eight ounce cartons of milk or a calcium supplement if lactose intolerant, 2 actress servings of fresh fruit, and two actress servings of fresh vegetables daily. A physician may order additional nutrients every bit necessary."
Colorado CO Doctor AR 700-12 No specifications; simply states "Pregnancy management is specific equally it relates to the following: … Appropriate nutrition"
Delaware Del. DOC Policy D-05 "No specifications; simply lists "Pregnancy" as one of many "types of therapeutic diets"
D.C. DC Dr. Policy 2120.3E But specifies "snacks for diabetics and significant female inmates"
Kentucky KRS 441.055 Doc minimum standards applying to jails "shall include requirements for adequate nutrition for pregnant prisoners"
Maine ME Medico Policy eighteen.23 (AF) & 13.23 (JF) "Pregnancy services shall include… nutritional guidance and counseling…." and, postpartum, "The prisoner or resident shall be provided with boosted food and/or nutritional supplements, when indicated and ordered past the facility health care provider, while breast pumping."
Massachusetts MA Dr. Wellness Services Division Policy 103 Doctor 620 No specifications; simply mandates that written procedures exist "to ensure regular prenatal care is received, including… nutrition guidance"
Minnesota Minn. DOC Pedagogy 500.010SHK "The intake nurse must… write medical authorizations for a pregnancy snack bag"
Montana MT DOC Policy iv.5.five Follows NCCHC Standards for Health Services in Prisons 2018, which recommend prenatal vitamins, diets that "reflect national guidelines," and that "when possible, additional food in between meal times should be provided as physiologic changes and nausea may create a need for more frequent meals." These standards also call for "appropriate nutrition" and prenatal vitamins for lactating women.
Nebraska NE DOCS AR 115.04 No specifications; only states, "Pregnancy management shall include… advisable diet"
New Hampshire NH DOC PPD 6.19 No specifications; simply states, "Offenders… will receive regular pre-natal care, to include… diet guidance"
New Jersey NJ Admin. Code § 10A:16-half-dozen.1 "The Department of Corrections shall provide a pregnant inmate with medical and social services, which shall include: … Nutritional supplements and nutrition every bit prescribed past the doc"
New Mexico NM Policy CD-170100 No specifications; but states, "Provisions of pregnancy management include… Appropriate nutrition." The attached Medical Diet Order Form includes a checkbox for "Pregnancy Diet" only no further details.
New York NY CRR 7651.17 No specifications; simply states, "The section shall provide comprehensive prenatal intendance… which shall include… nutritional guidance"
North Carolina NC Dept. of Public Condom Prisons Policy CC-4 No specifications; simply states, "Offenders… will receive regular pre-natal care, to include… diet guidance"
Oklahoma OK DOC OP-140145 No specifications; but states, "Appropriate nutrition will be made available to all [pregnant] inmates."
Pennsylvania PA Physician Policy The Medical Department provides prenatal vitamins. The Parenting Program Director informs incarcerated pregnant people of prenatal classes bachelor, including instruction in prenatal nutrition. "A prescription for therapeutic/pregnancy diet and snack shall be issued if accounted necessary by the Medical Department and/or the OB/GYN." Zipper 13-A is mentioned in the policy but could not be located; it may provide further detail.
Texas TDCJ Policy G-55.1 Incarcerated pregnant people receive "diet counseling" and "vitamins"; no farther specifications.
Washington WA Doctor Policy 610.650 No specifications; but lists "Appropriate nutrition" nether "Pregnancy direction"

Roxanne Daniel was a Smith College student providing research back up at the Prison house Policy Initiative.. (Other articles | Full bio | Contact)
