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How Much Does It Cost to Have a Molar Extracted

There are many reasons why you may require a tooth extraction, and you might be interested to know more about tooth extraction cost . This could be tooth infection, tooth decay, and crowding. If you plan to get teeth braces, you will require the extraction of one or more teeth to give room for alignment. Another instance that requires tooth extraction is when undergoing chemotherapy, or you are about to undergo an organ transplant. These procedures require the extraction of compromised teeth to keep your mouth healthy.

An oral surgeon or dentist performs tooth extraction, and it's a quick procedure with anesthesia. Removal of visible teeth is quite easy, while the extraction of broken, impacted, or teeth beneath the surface needs an invasive procedure. If you are asking, how much does it cost to get your tooth pulled? How much is a molar extraction? Or can a broken tooth be extracted? We have got you covered. Here we will explore the tooth extraction cost, risks, and recovery.

Tooth Removal Cost

What's the average cost to have a tooth pulled? The average cost to have tooth extracted is dependent on whether your tooth is impacted or not. To have a simple tooth extraction, you will get charged an average of $75 to $200 for each tooth. The type of anesthesia used will also determine the tooth extraction cost.

If the tooth is impacted, the average cost of tooth extraction in USA is around $800 to $4,000. Your residence place may also impact the amount you pay for teeth removal because services get customized according to a particular region's living cost.

See Also: Bone Graft Cost

What Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Wisdom teeth removal refers to the extraction of the last molar teeth found on the back corners of your mouth. These teeth grow from the age of 17 to 25 years. In case they cause crowding, they might need to be removed. They may also get extracted to prevent painful infections and other oral issues such as tooth decay and cavities.

Issues Caused by Wisdom Teeth

Erosion Cavity

This occurs when your wisdom tooth hits the next molar and results in infection.


This occurs when your wisdom teeth push the other teeth so hard.


This condition is not common, but it can damage your other teeth and damage your bone if it occurs.


If you have an impacted tooth and it pushes through your gum, you will likely get an infection on top of your tooth.

Here are some of the reasons why you require a wisdom tooth removal.

  • To improve oral health
  • To prevent infection and bacteria
  • To create room for other molars
  • To correct ad prevent nerve, jawbone, nerve, or tooth damage.
  • To correct and prevent gum disease
  • To align the teeth and jaw correctly
  • To correct and prevent tumors and cysts

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

Are you wondering how much wisdom teeth removal cost? The cost of tooth extraction in Houston is around $180. So what if your wisdom tooth is impacted? The cost of tooth extraction for a wisdom tooth that is impacted is around $294. Because prices vary depending on various factors, it is important to contact your dentist. Wisdom teeth removal cost might also reduce if you have insurance coverage.

Tooth Extraction CostTypes of Tooth Extraction

There are two types of tooth removal; surgical or simple. This is dependent on whether the tooth is impacted or visible.

Simple Extraction

During this procedure, the dentist will give you local anesthesia to numb the region around the tooth getting extracted. With anesthesia, you do not feel pain, only the pressure. The dentist will loosen your tooth using an elevator and remove it using forceps.

Surgical Extraction

When having a tooth surgically removed, the oral surgeon or dentist will give you both intravenous and local anesthesia to make you relaxed and calm. Depending on your medical conditions, you might also receive general anesthesia. The dentist will cut into the gum using a small incision. The dentist might require to cut the tooth before extracting it or remove the bone around the tooth.

Procedure for Removal of Wisdom Tooth

A qualified dentist or oral surgeon performs wisdom tooth extraction surgery. First, they provide anesthesia for the patient's comfort. When having a tooth surgically removed, the dentist removes the tissues and the bone that is around your wisdom tooth. The removal of these tissues ensures that the wisdom tooth is effectively and clearly extracted. The gums are then stitched together to aid in less bleeding and quick recovery time. The oral surgeon then places the gauze on the wound to form a blood clot that controls bleeding. After completion of this procedure, you are taken to a recovery room where you get to rest.

How to Prepare for Tooth Removal

Before you schedule the procedure, the dentist takes an x-ray of the tooth. It is essential to inform your dentist if you are under any medications or taking supplements, vitamins, and OTC drugs. Inform them if you are preparing for another treatment with intravenous medicine. If that is the case, they should conduct the tooth extraction before the other treatment to prevent the risk of bone death; a condition called osteonecrosis.

Also, let your dentist know if you have any of the conditions outlined below.

  • Diabetes
  • Congenital heart condition
  • Liver disease
  • Renal disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Have artificial joint
  • Hypertension
  • Have damaged heart valve
  • Impaired immunity system
  • Adrenal disease
  • Bacterial endocarditis

If you have any of the above conditions, the dentist might want to ensure it is treated or stabilized before undergoing the tooth extraction process. They might also prescribe some antibiotics a few days before the procedure if:

  • Your immune system is weak, or in case of an infection
  • They expect your surgery to take longer
  • You have a particular medical condition

To make sure you get quality treatment, do the following on the tooth extraction day.

  • Avoid smoking on that day
  • If you will receive intravenous anesthesia, put on a loose-fitted cloth or a short-sleeved shirt, and do not drink or eat for around 6-8 hours before the appointment.
  • In case you have a cold, inform the dentist since you might require to reschedule.
  • If you experienced nausea or vomiting on the eve of the appointment day, you might require rescheduling or different anesthesia, so inform the dentist.
  • In case you will receive general anesthesia, ensure you have someone to take you home.

Tooth Extraction Risks You Are Likely to Experience

If you are undertaking a tooth extraction procedure, there are a few risks; however, the procedure's benefits outweigh the possibility of complications.

After tooth removal, a blood clot forms in the pocket or socket (this is the hole where the tooth was extracted). In case the clot fails to form, your bone might get exposed, and such a condition is called dry socket. In such instances, the dentist protects the bone by putting a soothing dressing for several days. At this time, there will be a formation of a new clot.

Here are some other risks:

  • Serious chills and fever, which signals an infection
  • Bleeding that will last over 12 hours
  • Cough
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Redness and swelling of the surgical area
  • Shortness of breath and chest pain

Recovery from Tooth Extraction

After tooth extraction, recovery might take several days. Here are some of the steps that ensure the recovery process is smooth.

  • Once the procedure is complete, apply an ice pack directly to minimize swelling. Use it for around 10 minutes every time.
  • After your dentist places a gauze pad on the affected part, bite down to minimize bleeding and promote a clot's formation. The gauze should remain in position for 3-4 hours, or until it gets soaked with blood.
  • Ensure you take any prescribed medication, including OTC painkillers
  • On the first day, relax and take a rest. It is advisable not to jump to your regular activities immediately.
  • Avoid usage of straw for at least one day.
  • Avoid smoking after the procedure.
  • After the tooth extraction, do not rinse your mouth and spit gently.
  • To prop your head up after lying down, use some pillows.
  • Floss and brush the teeth but avoid the affected area
  • One day after the tooth extraction procedure, consume soft foods like pudding, yogurt, and applesauce.
  • After one day, use warm salty water to rinse your mouth.
  • Slowly reintroduce your other types of foods as you continue to heal.

Complications of Tooth Extraction

Dry socket is one complication of tooth extraction. Dry socket refers to the extraction site's exposure either because the blood failed to clot or because the blood clot dislodged. This condition causes radiating and intense pain that lasts for several days. It may also result in bad breath. Speak to your dentist if you begin to experience severe pain after two or three days.

The dentist will treat the area by rinsing and putting medical paste on the exposed bone. By following the dentist's instructions, you can avoid dry socket. Another complication is infection. This occurs when bacteria infect your gumline around the socket after one or two days after the surgery.

Follow up with your dentist even if you have not experienced any complications. As for the stitches, they will dissolve and will not require any removal.

Contact the Experts

Before the tooth extraction process, you will meet with your dentist and discuss the procedure based on the state of your tooth. You will also discuss the cost to have a tooth extracted. Oral surgery extraction will not cost the same as a simple extraction. On the other hand, the dentist who removes your tooth will also determine the amount you will be charged. Other factors that will determine the cost of tooth extraction include the state of your teeth and the reason for removal. For instance, if your tooth is broken or impacted, it will be charged a higher amount. Also, ask about the wisdom teeth removal cost since it might differ a little.

At the time of the consultation, the dentist will discuss your medical history. They will ask if you have any health issues or plan to undergo any other treatments to ensure that they apply the correct safety measures. It would be best if you asked regarding the cost of any extra sedation.

Before the dentist extracts the tooth, they will numb the region using local anesthesia. Even though the extraction process is not painful, it may have some discomfort.

When it comes to recovery and aftercare, you can do some things to speed it up. For instance, avoid things that irritate or disturb the site of extraction. This assists in blood clotting, and the wound heals faster.

Our dental team at Voss Dental is always ready to assist you if you have an oral problem. In case of any questions regarding your oral health or dental condition, please schedule an appointment with us today.

How Much Does It Cost to Have a Molar Extracted
