What Does Rof Stand for in Texting
From A3 to ZZZ we list 1,559 SMS, online chat, and text abbreviations to help you translate and understand today's texting lingo. Includes Top 10.
With the popularity and rise in use of online text-based communications came the emergence of a new texting language, tailored to the immediacy and compactness of these new communication media.
Today, text and chat abbreviations are used in many online communications including Twitter, instant messaging, email, Discord, and in online games to name a few places. Many of the following abbreviations and emoticons are also frequently used when people send text messages on their phones.
Recommended Reading: Looking for Smiley Face 🙂 and emoticon meanings? Click here.
Top 10 Text Abbreviations
According to search query data the following text abbreviations are the most requested chat definitions:
- ROFL means Rolling on floor laughing.
- STFU means Shut the *freak* up.
- LMK means Let me know.
- ILY means I love you.
- YOLO means You only live once.
- SMH means Shaking my head.
- LMFAO means Laughing my freaking *a* off.
- NVM means Never mind.
- IKR means I know, right.
- OFC means Of course.
Top Parental Control Software Vendors
With the rise of online communication, it's critical for parents to know their child is safe from inappropriate or adult content. These parental control applications take the worry out of letting children use the internet and give peace of mind. Note: The list below contains affiliate links. Webopedia may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
1. Bark
Bark is a monitoring, filtering, and blocking app and computer program designed to keep children safe across text messaging, YouTube, email, and other social networks. It provides parents with the tools to control what their children are doing on the internet and who they're interacting with by raising red flags. Bark is priced per month for an unlimited number of devices and includes a wide range of features to keep children safe in the modern digital world.
2. FamilyTime Premium
FamilyTime Premium is a dedicated parental control app designed by parents for parents. It offers ways to prevent and monitor a child's internet behaviors. This mobile-only solution lets parents limit device access, block harmful apps and games, get alerts when their children enter or leave a specific location, and view contact lists, call records, and SMS messages. Pricing is based on the number of devices covered and is billed per year.
3. Norton Family
Norton Family provides parents the information needed to keep their children safe and focused while online. It offers supervision across an unlimited number of devices though features such as tracking a child's location, reporting on the words, terms, and phrases a child searches for on their device, setting time limits on a device, and instantly locking all of a child's devices that are online. Pricing is billed per year and offers a 30-day free trial.
4. ESET Parental Control
ESET is a parental control software for monitoring and regulating the activities of a child. It is a standalone Android application that features monitoring online activity, setting up rules for time spent on the internet, filtering access to websites based on the age of a child, and checking the location of a child's device. ESET has a freemium plan and a premium plan that is billed per year per device.
5. Mobicip
Mobicip is a parental control software and internet filter that offers a wide range of features to ensure children are safe online. Features include scheduling screen time for each device, locking all devices instantly, tracking a child's location, and blocking social media and websites by category. Mobicip supports many platforms including iOS, Windows, and Android. Pricing is billed per year and can protect up to 20 devices. A free, 7-day trial is offered.
Huge List of 1,559 Text and Chat Abbreviations
While it does seem incredible that there are thousands of text abbreviations, keep in mind that different chat abbreviations are used by different groups of people. For example, online gamers are likely to use text abbreviations not used by a financial blogger. Most people will only know a dozen or so general text abbreviations and a few more that are used by people with similar interests online.
To keep our chat guide user-friendly for all ages, some inappropriate words have been edited to include an alternate meaning. These words are marked with * around the word which has been switched (e.g. *freak*). To navigate this lengthy guide, you can scroll through the following list or go directly to a specific letter using the following links:
Numbers & Characters
Text Messaging & Chat Abbreviations: Numbers & Characters | |
? | I have a question |
? | I don't understand what you mean |
?4U | I have a question for you |
;S | Gentle warning, like "Hmm? What did you say?" |
^^ | Meaning "read line" or "read message" above |
<3 | Meaning "sideways heart" (love, friendship) |
</3 | Meaning "broken heart" |
<3333 | Meaning "heart or love" (more 3s is a bigger heart) |
@TEOTD | At the end of the day |
.02 | My (or your) two cents worth |
1TG, 2TG | Meaning number of items needed for win (online gaming) |
1UP | Meaning extra life (online gaming) |
121 | One-to-one (private chat initiation) |
1337 | Leet, meaning 'elite' |
143 | I love you |
1432 | I love you too |
14AA41 | One for all, and all for one |
182 | I hate you |
19 | Zero hand (online gaming) |
10M | Ten man (online gaming) |
10X | Thanks |
10Q | Thank you |
1CE | Once |
1DR | I wonder |
1NAM | One in a million |
2 | Meaning "to" in SMS |
20 | Meaning "location" |
2B | To be |
2EZ | Too easy |
2G2BT | Too good to be true |
2M2H | Too much too handle |
2MI | Too much information |
2MOR | Tomorrow |
2MORO | Tomorrow |
2M2H | Too much to handle |
2N8 | Tonight |
2NTE | Tonight |
4 | Short for "for" in SMS |
411 | Meaning "information" |
404 | I don't know |
411 | Meaning 'information' |
420 | Lets get high |
420 | Meaning "Marijuana" |
459 | Means I love you (ILY is 459 using keypad numbers) |
4AO | For adults only |
4COL | For crying out loud |
4EAE | Forever and ever |
4EVA | Forever |
4NR | Foreigner |
4SALE | For sale |
^5 | High-five |
511 | Too much information (more than 411) |
555 | Sobbing, crying. (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) |
55555 | Crying your eyes out (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) |
55555 | Meaning Laughing (In Thai language the number 5 is pronounced 'ha'.) |
6Y | Sexy |
7K | Sick |
81 | Meaning Hells Angels (H=8th letter of alphabet, A=1st letter of alphabet) |
831 | I love you (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning) |
86 | Over |
88 | Bye-bye (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) |
88 | Hugs and kisses |
9 | Parent is watching |
*s* | Meaning "smile" |
*w* | Meaning "wink" |
"A" Text Message & Chat Abbreviations | |
A3 | Anytime, anywhere, anyplace |
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous |
AA | As above |
AA | Ask about |
AAF | As a matter of fact |
AAF | As a friend |
AAK | Asleep at keyboard |
AAK | Alive and kicking |
AAMOF | As a matter of fact |
AAMOI | As a matter of interest |
AAP | Always a pleasure |
AAR | At any rate |
AAS | Alive and smiling |
AASHTA | As always, Sheldon has the answer (Bike mechanic Sheldon Brown) |
AATK | Always at the keyboard |
AAYF | As always, your friend |
ABBR | Meaning abbreviation |
ABC | Already been chewed |
ABD | Already been done |
ABT | About |
ABT2 | Meaning 'About to' |
ABTA | Meaning Good-bye (signoff) |
ABU | All bugged up |
AC | Acceptable content |
ACC | Anyone can come |
ACDNT | Accident (e-mail, Government) |
ACE | Meaning marijuana cigarette |
ACK | Acknowledge |
ACPT | Accept (e-mail, Government) |
ACQSTN | Acquisition (e-mail, Government) |
ADAD | Another day, another dollar |
ADBB | All done, bye-bye |
ADD | Address |
ADDY | Address |
ADIH | Another day in hell |
ADIP | Another day in paradise |
ADMIN | Administrator |
ADMINR | Administrator (Government) |
ADN | Any day now |
ADR | Address |
AE | Area effect (online gaming) |
AEAP | As early as possible |
AF | April Fools |
AF | As *Freak* |
AF | Aggression factor (online gaming) |
AFC | Away from computer |
AFAIAA | As far as I am aware |
AFAIC | As far as I am concerned |
AFAIK | As far as I know |
AFAIUI | As far as I understand it |
AFAP | As far as possible |
AFFA | Angels Forever, Forever Angels |
AFJ | April Fool's joke |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AFZ | Acronym Free Zone |
AFPOE | A fresh pair of eyes |
AGI | Meaning "agility" (online gaming) |
AH | At home |
AIAMU | And I am a money's uncle |
AIGHT | Alright |
AIR | As I remember |
AISB | As it should be |
AISB | As I said before |
AISI | As I see it |
AITR | Adult in the room |
AKA | Also known as |
ALCON | All concerned |
ALOL | Actually laughing out loud |
AMA | Ask me anything (Reddit) |
AMAP | As much as possible |
AMBW | All my best wishes |
AML | All my love |
AMOF | As a matter of fact |
A/N | Author's note |
AO | Anarchy Online (online gaming) |
AOC | Available on cell |
AOE | Area of effect (online game) |
AOM | Age of majority |
AOM | Age of Mythology (online gaming) |
AOTA | All of the above |
AOYP | Angel on your pillow |
APAC | All praise and credit |
APP | Application |
APP | Appreciate |
AQAP | As quick (or quiet) as possible |
ARC | Archive (compressed files) |
ARE | Acronym rich environment |
ARG | Argument |
ASIG | And so it goes |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location |
ASL | Age/sex/location |
ASLA | Age/sex/location/availability |
AT | At your terminal |
ATB | All the best |
ATEOTD | At the end of the day |
ATM | At the moment |
ATSITS | All the stars in the sky |
ATSL | Along the same line (or lines) |
AWC | After awhile crocodile |
AWESO | Awesome |
AWOL | Away without leaving |
AWOL | Absent without leave |
AYDY | Are you done yet? |
AYBABTU | All your base are belong to us (online gaming) |
AYEC | At your earliest convenience |
AYOR | At your own risk |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something? |
AYS | Are you serious? |
AYT | Are you there? |
AYTMTB | And you're telling me this because |
AYV | Are you vertical? |
AYW | As you were |
AYW | As you want / As you wish |
AZN | Asian |
"B" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
B | Back |
B | Be |
B& | Banned |
B2B | Business-to-business |
B2C | Business-to-consumer |
B2W | Back to work |
B8 | Bait (person teased or joked with, or under-aged person/teen) |
B9 | Boss is watching |
B/F | Boyfriend |
B/G | Background (personal information request) |
B4 | Before |
B4N | Bye for now |
BAG | Busting a gut |
BA | Bad *a* |
BAE | Before anyone else |
BAE | Meaning Babe or baby |
BAFO | Best and final offer |
BAK | Back at keyboard |
BAM | Below average mentality |
BAMF | Bad *a* mother *f* |
BAO | Be aware of |
BAS | Big 'butt' smile |
BASIC | Meaning anything mainstream |
BASOR | Breathing a sigh of relief |
BAU | Business as usual |
BAY | Back at ya |
BB | Be back |
BB | Big brother |
BB | Bebi / Baby (Spanish SMS) |
BBC | Big bad challenge |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBIAF | Be back in a few |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute |
BBIAS | Be back in a sec |
BBL | Be back later |
BBN | Bye, bye now |
BBQ | Barbeque, "Ownage", shooting score/frag (online gaming) |
BBS | Be back soon |
BBT | Be back tomorrow |
BC | Because |
B/C | Because |
BC | Be cool |
BCNU | Be seeing you |
BCOS | Because |
BCO | Big crush on |
BCOY | Big crush on you |
BD | Big deal |
BDAY | Birthday |
B-DAY | Birthday |
BDN | Big darn number |
BEG | Big evil grin |
BELF | Meaning "Blood Elf" (online gaming) |
BF | Boyfriend |
BF | Brain fart |
BFAW | Best friend at work |
BF2 | Battlefield 2 (online gaming) |
BF | Best friend |
BFF | Best friends forever |
BFFL | Best friends for life |
BFFLNMW | Best friends for life, no matter what |
BFD | Big freaking deal |
BFG | Big freaking grin |
BFFN | Best friend for now |
BFN | Bye for now |
BG | Big grin |
BGWM | Be gentle with me |
BHL8 | Be home late |
BIB | Boss is back |
BIBO | Beer in, beer out |
BIC | Butt in chair |
BIF | Before I forget |
BIH | Burn in hell |
BIL | Brother in law |
BIO | Meaning "I'm going to the bathroom" (or) "Bathroom break" |
BION | Believe it or not |
BIOYA | Blow it out your *a* |
BIOYN | Blow it out your nose |
BIS | Best in slot (online gaming) |
BISFLATM | Boy, I sure feel like a turquoise monkey! (unverified) |
BITMT | But in the meantime |
BL | Belly laugh |
BLNT | Better luck next time |
Bloke | Meaning Man (Discord) |
BM | Bite me |
BME | Based on my experience |
BM&Y | Between me and you |
BOB | Back off *buddy* |
BN | Bad news |
BOE | Meaning "bind on equip" (online gaming) |
BOHICA | Bend over here it comes again |
BOL | Best of luck |
BOM | *b* of mine |
BOLO | Be on the look out |
BOOMS | Bored out of my skull |
BOP | Meaning "bind on pickup" (online gaming) |
BOSMKL | Bending over smacking my knee laughing |
BOT | Back on topic |
BOT | Be on that |
BMS | Broke my scale, used when rating someone |
BOYF | Boyfriend |
BPLM | Big person little mind |
BRB | Be right back |
BR | Best regards |
BRBB | Be right back *b* |
BRNC | Be right back, nature calls |
BRD | Bored |
BRH | Be right here |
BRT | Be right there |
BSF | But seriously folks |
BSOD | Blue screen of death |
BSTS | Better safe than sorry |
BT | Bite this |
BT | Between technologies |
BTA | But then again |
BTDT | Been there, done that |
BTW | By the way |
BTYCL | Meaning 'Bootycall' |
BUBU | Slang term for the most beautiful of women |
BURN | Used to reference an insult |
Buff | Meaning "changed and is now stronger" (online gaming) |
BWL | Bursting with laughter |
BYOB | Bring your own beer |
BYOC | Bring your own computer |
BYOD | Bring your own device |
BYOH | Bat you on (the) head |
BYOP | Bring your own paint (paintball) |
BYTM | Better you than me |
| |
C&G | Chuckle & grin |
C4N | Ciao for now |
CAD | Control + Alt + Delete |
CAD | Short for Canada/Canadian |
Cakeday | Meaning Birthday (Reddit) |
CAM | Camera (SMS) |
CB | Coffee break |
CB | Chat break |
CB | Crazy *b* |
CD9 | Code 9, Meaning "parents are around" |
CFS | Care for secret? |
CFY | Calling for you |
CHK | Check |
CIAO | Good-bye (Italian word) |
CICO | Coffee in, coffee out |
CID | Crying in disgrace |
CID | Consider it done |
CLAB | Crying like a baby |
CLD | Could |
CLK | Click |
CM | Call me |
CMAP | Cover my *a* partner (online gaming) |
CMB | Call me back |
CMGR | Meaning "Community manager" |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong |
CMON | Come on |
CNP | Continued (in) next post |
COB | Close of business |
COH | City of Heroes (online gaming) |
COS | Because |
C/P | Cross post |
CP | Chat post (or continue in IM) |
CR8 | Create |
Cray | Meaning crazy |
CRE8 | Create |
CRA CRA | Slang term meaning "crazy" |
CRAFT | Can't remember a *freaking* thing |
CRB | Come right back |
CRBT | Crying really big tears |
CRIT | Meaning "critical hit" (online gaming) |
CRZ | Crazy |
CRS | Can't remember *stuff* |
CSG | Chuckle, snicker, grin |
CSL | Can't stop laughing |
CSS | Counter-Strike Source (online gaming) |
CT | Can't talk |
CTC | Care to chat? |
CTHU | Cracking the *heck* up |
CTN | Can't talk now |
CTO | Check this out |
CU | See you too |
CU | See you |
CU2 | See you |
CUA | See you around |
CUL | See you later |
CULA | See you later alligator |
CUL8R | See you later |
CUMID | See you in my dreams |
CURLO | See you around like a donut |
CWD | Comment when done |
CWOT | Complete waste of time |
CWYL | Chat with you later |
CX | Meaning "Correction" |
CYA | See you |
CYAL8R | See you later |
CYE | Check your e-mail |
CYEP | Close your eyes partner (online gaming) |
CYO | See you online |
"D" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
D2 | Dedos / fingers (Spanish SMS) |
D46? | Down for sex? |
DA | Meaning "The" |
DAE | Does anyone else? |
DAFUQ | (What) the *Freak*? |
DAM | Don't annoy me |
DAoC | Dark Age of Camelot (online gaming) |
DBAU | Doing business as usual |
DBEYR | Don't believe everything you read |
DC | Disconnect |
DD | Dear (or Darling) daughter |
DD | Due diligence |
DDG | Drop dead gorgeous |
DEEZ NUTZ | A phrase used in online chat to annoy or frustrate those involved in the conversation. |
DEGT | Dear (or Darling) daughter |
DERP | Meaning stupid or silly |
DF | Don't even go there |
DFL | Dead *freaking* last (online gaming) |
DGA | Don't go anywhere |
DGAF | Don't give a *freak* |
DGT | Don't go there |
DGTG | Don't go there, girlfriend |
DGYF | Dang, girl you fine |
DH | Dear (or Darling) husband |
DHU | Dinosaur hugs (used to show support) |
DIIK | Darned if I know |
DIKU | Do I know you? |
DILLIGAF | Do I look like I give a *freak*? |
DILLIGAS | Do I look like I give a sugar? |
DIS | Did I say? |
DITYID | Did I tell you I'm distressed? |
DIY | Do it yourself |
DKDC | Don't know, don't care |
DKP | Dragon kill points (online gaming) |
D/L | Download |
DL | Download |
DL | Down low |
DL | Dead link |
DLBBB | Don't let (the) bed bugs bite |
DLTBBB | Don't let the bed bugs bite |
DM | Doesn't matter |
DM | Direct message (Twitter slang) |
DM | Do me |
DM | Dungeon Master (online gaming) |
DMNO | Dude Man No Offense |
DMY | Don't mess yourself |
DN | Down |
DNC | Do not compute (meaning I do not understand) |
DNR | Dinner (SMS) |
DNT | Don't |
d00d | Dude |
DOE | Daughter of Eve |
DORBS | Meaning "Adorable" |
DOT | Damage over time (online gaming) |
Downvote | Voting negatively on a thread using Reddit s voting system (Reddit) |
DPS | Damage per second (online gaming) |
DQMOT | Don't quote me on this |
DR | Didn't read |
DS | Dear (or Darling) son |
DTR | Define the relationship |
DTRT | Do the right thing |
DTS | Don't think so |
DTTD | Don't touch that dial |
DUPE | Duplicate |
DUR | Do you remember? |
DV8 | Deviate |
DW | Dear (or Darling) wife |
DWF | Divorced white female |
DWM | Divorced white male |
DXNRY | Dictionary |
DYNWUTB | Do you know what you are talking about? |
DYFI | Did you find it? |
DYFM | Dude, you fascinate me |
DYJHIW | Don't you just hate it when…? |
DYOR | Do your own research (common stock market chat slang) |
"E" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
E | Ecstasy |
E | Enemy (online gaming) |
E1 | Everyone |
E123 | Easy as one, two, three |
E2EG | Ear to ear grin |
EAK | Eating at keyboard |
EBKAC | Error between keyboard and chair |
ED | Erase display |
EF4T | Effort |
EG | Evil grin |
EI | Eat it |
EIP | Editing in progress |
ELI5 | Explain like I'm 5 |
EM | E-mail (Twitter slang) |
EMA | E-mail address (Twitter slang) |
EMBAR | Meaning "Embarassing" |
EMFBI | Excuse me for butting in |
EMFBI | Excuse me for jumping in |
EMSG | E-mail message |
ENUF | Enough |
EOD | End of day |
EOD | End of discussion |
EOL | End of lecture |
EOL | End of life |
EOM | End of message |
EOS | End of show |
EOT | End of transmission |
EQ | EverQuest (online gaming) |
ERP | Meaning "Erotic Role-Play" (online gaming) |
ERS2 | Eres tz / are you (Spanish SMS) |
ES | Erase screen |
ESAD | Eat *S* and die! |
ETA | Estimated time (of) arrival |
ETA | Edited to add |
EVA | Ever |
EVO | Evolution |
EWG | Evil wicked grin (in fun, teasing) |
EWI | Emailing while intoxicated |
EXTRA | Meaning over the top |
EYC | Excitable, yet calm |
EZ | Easy |
EZY | Easy |
"F" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
F | Meaning female |
F2F | Face to face |
F2P | Free to play (online gaming) |
F4F | Follow for follow (Instagram) |
FAAK | Falling asleep at keyboard |
FAB | Fabulous |
Facepalm | Used to represent the gesture of "smacking your forehead with your palm" to express embarrassment or frustration |
FAF | Funny as *freak* |
FAM | FFamily, but not limited to actual family members. Could mean friends. |
FAQ | Frequently asked questions |
FAY | *Freak* all you |
FB | |
FBB | Meaning "Facebook buddy" |
FBC | Facebook chat |
FBF | Flashback Friday |
FBF | Meaning "Facebook friend" |
FBF | Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries) |
FBFR | FaceBook friend |
FBM | Fine by me |
FBO | Facebook official (An official update from Facebook) |
FBOW | For better or worse |
FC | Fingers crossed |
FC | Full card (online gaming) |
FC'INGO | For crying out loud |
FCOL | For crying out loud |
Feelsbadman | A social meme that means to feel negative. |
Feelsbatman | A social meme taking "feelsbadman" to the extreme. This references the DC super hero Batmanbecause he witnessed the murder of his parents. |
Feelsgoodman | A social meme that means to feel positive. |
FEITCTAJ | *Freak* 'em if they can't take a joke |
FF | Follow Friday (Twitter slang) |
FFA | Free for all (online gaming) |
FFS | For *freak'*sakes |
FICCL | Frankly I couldn't care a less |
FIF | *Freak* I'm funny |
FIIK | *Freaked* if I know |
FIIOOH | Forget it, I'm out of here |
FIL | Father in law |
FIMH | Forever in my heart |
Finna | Means "Going to" |
Finsta | A second Instagram account where someone can post things that they're too afraid to post on their main account. |
FISH | First in, still here |
FITB | Fill in the blank |
FML | *Freak* My Life |
FOMC | Falling off my chair |
FOMO | Fear of missing out (definition) |
FOAD | *Freak* off and die |
FOAF | Friend of a friend |
FOMCL | Falling off my chair laughing |
FRT | For real though |
FTBOMH | From the bottom of my heart |
FTFY | Fixed that for you |
FTL | For the loss |
FTW | For the win |
FU | *Freak* you |
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition |
FUBB | Fouled up beyond belief |
FUD | Face up deal (online gaming) |
FUTAB | Feet up, take a break |
FW | Forward |
FWB | Friend with benefits |
FWIW | For what it's worth |
FWM | Fine with me |
FWP | First world problems |
FYE | Fire, something that is cool |
FYEO | For your eyes only |
FYA | For your amusement |
FYI | For your information |
"G" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
G | Grin |
G | Giggle |
G+ | Google+ |
G/F | Girlfriend |
G2CU | Good to see you |
G2G | Got to go |
G2GICYAL8ER | Got to go I'll see you later |
G2R | Got to run |
G2TU | Got to tell u (you) |
G4C | Going for coffee |
G9 | Genius |
GA | Go ahead |
GAC | Get a clue |
GAFC | Get a *freaking* clue |
GAL | Get a life |
GANK | Meaning a player ambush or unfair player kill (online gaming) |
GAS | Got a second? |
GAS | Greetings and salutations |
GB | Goodbye |
GBTW | Get back to work |
GBU | God bless you |
GD | Good |
GDR | Grinning, ducking, and running |
GD/R | Grinning, ducking, and running |
GFI | Go for it |
GF | Girl friend |
GFN | Gone for now |
GG | Gotta Go |
GG | Good Game (online gaming) |
GG | Brother (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs) |
GGA | Good game, all (online gaming) |
GGE1 | Good game, everyone (online gaming) |
GGU2 | Good game, you too |
GGMSOT | Gotta get me some of that |
GGOH | Gotta Get Outa Here |
GGP | Got to go pee |
GH | Good hand (online gaming) |
GIAR | Give it a rest |
GIC | Gift in crib (online gaming) |
GIGO | Garbage in, garbage out |
GIRL | Guy in real life |
GJ | Good job |
GL | Good luck |
GL2U | Good luck to you (online gaming) |
GLA | Good luck all (online gaming) |
GL/HF | Good luck, have fun (online gaming) |
GLE | Good luck everyone (online gaming) |
GLE1 | Good luck everyone (online gaming) |
GLNG | Good luck next game (online gaming) |
GMBA | Giggling my butt off |
GMTA | Great minds think alike |
GMV | Got my vote |
GN | Good night |
GNA | Good night all |
GNE1 | Good night everyone |
GNIGHT | Good night |
GNITE | Good night |
GNSD | Good night, sweet dreams |
GOAT | Greatest of all Time(s) |
GOI | Get over it |
GOL | Giggling out loud |
GOMB | Get off my back |
GPOY | Gratuitous picture of yourself |
GR8 | Great |
GRATZ | Congratulations |
GRL | Girl |
GRWG | Get right with God |
GR&D | Grinning, running and ducking |
GS | Good shot |
GS | Good split (online gaming) |
GT | Good try |
GTFO | Get the *freak* out |
GTFOH | Get the *freak* outta here |
GTG | Got to go |
GTM | Giggling to myself |
GTRM | Going to read mail |
GTSY | Great (or good) to see you |
GUCCI | Good |
GUD | Good |
GWHTLC | Glad we had this little chat |
"H" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
H | Hug |
H8 | Hate |
H8TTU | Hate to be you |
HAG1 | Have a good one |
HAK | Hug and kiss |
HALP | Help (Discord) |
HAU | How about you? |
H&K | Hugs & kisses |
H2CUS | Hope to see you soon |
HAGN | Have a good night |
HAGO | Have a good one |
HAND | Have a nice day |
HAWT | Have a wonderful day (out-dated, see next in list) |
HAWT | Meaning "sexy" or "attractive" |
HB | Hurry back |
HB | Hug back |
HBD | Happy birthday |
H-BDAY | Happy Birthday |
HBU | How about you? |
HF | Have fun |
HFAC | Holy flipping animal crackers |
H-FDAY | Happy Father's Day |
HHIS | Head hanging in shame |
HIFW | How I felt when… (Used with photo or gif) |
HL | Half Life (online gaming) |
HLA | Hola / hello (Spanish SMS) |
H-MDAY | Happy Mother's Day |
HMU | Hit me up |
HNL | (w)Hole 'nother level |
HOAS | Hold on a second |
HP | Hit points / Health points (online gaming) |
HRU | How are you? |
HTH | Hope this helps |
HUB | Head up butt |
HUYA | Head up your *butt* |
HV | Have |
HVH | Heroic Violet Hold (online gaming) |
HW | Homework |
HYFR | Hell yeah, *Freaking* right! |
"I" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
I2 | I too (me too) |
IA8 | I already ate |
IAAA | I am an accountant |
IAAD | I am a doctor |
IAAL | I am a lawyer |
IAC | In any case |
IAE | In any event |
IANAC | I am not a crook |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer |
IAO | I am out (of here) |
IB | I'm back |
IB | I'm back |
IC | I see |
ICAM | I couldn't agree more |
ICBW | It could be worse |
ICEDI | I can't even discuss it |
ICFILWU | I could fall in love with you |
ICYMI | In case you missed it (Twitter slang) |
IDBI | I don't believe it |
IDC | I don't care |
IDGAF | I don't give a *freak* |
IDK | I don't know |
IDTS | I don't think so |
IDUNNO | I don't know |
IFYP | I feel your pain |
IG | |
IG2R | I got to run |
IGHT | I got high tonight |
IGN | I (I've) got nothing |
IGP | I got to (go) pee |
IHNI | I have no idea |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
IIIO | Intel inside, idiot outside |
IK | I know |
IKR | I know, right? |
ILBL8 | I'll be late |
ILU | I love you |
ILUM | I love you man |
ILYSM | I love you so much |
ILY | I love you |
IM | Instant message |
IMAO | In my arrogant opinion |
IMHO | In my humble opinion |
ImL | (in Arial font) Means I love you (a way of using the American sign language in text) |
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion |
IMO | In my opinion |
IMS | I am sorry |
IMSB | I am so bored |
IMTM | I am the man |
IMU | I miss u (you) |
INAL | I'm not a lawyer |
INC | Meaning "incoming" (online gaming) |
Inspoo | Inspiration |
INV | Meaning "Invite" |
IOMH | In over my head |
IOW | In other words |
IRL | In real life |
IRMC | I rest my case |
ISLY | I still love you |
ISO | In search of |
ITAM | It's The Accounting, Man (financial blogs) |
ITT | In This Thread |
ITYK | I thought you knew |
IUSS | If you say so |
IWALU | I will always love you |
IWAWO | I want a way out |
IWIAM | Idiot wrapped in a moron |
IWSN | I want sex now |
IYKWIM | If you know what I mean |
IYO | In your opinion |
IYQ | Meaning "I like you" |
IYSS | If you say so |
"J" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
j00 | You |
j00r | Your |
JAC | Just a second |
JAM | Just a minute |
JAS | Just a second |
JC (J/C) | Just checking |
JDI | Just do it |
JELLY | Meaning "jealous" |
JFF | Just for fun |
JFGI | Just *freaking* Google it |
JIC | Just in case |
JJ (J/J) | Just joking |
JJA | Just joking around |
JK (J/K) | Just kidding |
JLMK | Just let me know |
JMO | Just my opinion |
JP | Just playing |
JP | Jackpot (online gaming, bingo games) |
JT (J/T) | Just teasing |
JTLYK | Just to let you know |
JV | Joint venture |
JW | Just wondering |
"K" Text Messages / Chat Abbreviations | |
K | Okay |
KK | Knock, knock |
KK | Okay, Okay! |
K8T | Katie |
k/b | Keyboard |
KB | Keyboard |
KB | Kick butt (online gaming) |
KDFU | Means Cracking (K) the (D as in Da) *freak* up |
KEWL | Cool |
KEYA | I will key you later |
KEYME | Key me when you get in |
KFY | Kiss for you |
KIA | Know it all |
KIR | Keep it real |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid |
KIT | Keep in touch |
KMA | Kiss my *a* |
KMK | Kiss my keister |
KMS | Killing myself |
KMT | Kiss my tushie |
KOC | Kiss on cheek |
KOL | Key opinion leader |
Koreaboo | Someone obsessed with Korean culture |
KOS | Kid over shoulder |
KOS | Kill on sight (online gaming) |
KOW | Knock on wood |
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek |
KOTD | Kicks of the day (Instagram) |
KOTL | Kiss on the lips |
KNIM | Know what I mean? |
KNOW | Meaning "knowledge" |
KPC | Keeping parents clueless |
KS | Kill then steal (online gaming) |
KSC | Kind (of) sort (of) chuckle |
KT | Katie |
KUTGW | Keep up the good work |
KYS | Kill yourself |
"L" Text Message & Chat Abbreviations | |
L2G | Like to go? |
L2G | (would) Love to go |
L2K | Like to come |
L2P | Learn to play |
l33t | Leet, meaning 'elite' |
L4L | Like for like (Instagram) |
L8R | Later |
L8RG8R | Later, gator |
LAB | Life's a *b* |
LBAY | Laughing back at you |
LBS | Laughing, but serious |
LBVS | Laughing, but very serious |
LD | Later, dude |
LD | Long distance |
LDO | Like, duh obviously |
LEMENO | Let me know |
LERK | Leaving easy reach of keyboard |
LFD | Left for day |
LFG | Looking for group (online gaming) |
LFG | Looking for guard (online gaming) |
LFM | Looking for more (online gaming) |
LGH | Lets get high |
LH6 | Lets have sex |
LHSX | Lets have sex |
LHM | Lord help me |
LHO | Laughing head off |
LI | |
LIC | Like I care |
LIK | Meaning liquor |
LIMT | Laugh in my tummy |
LIT | Meaning really good or something fun and exciting |
LIT | Extremely intoxicated |
LLGB | Love, later, God bless |
LLS | Laughing like *silly* |
LMAO | Laughing my *a* off |
LMBO | Laughing my butt off |
LMFAO | Laughing my freaking *a* off |
LMIRL | Lets meet in real life |
LMK | Let me know |
LMMFAO | Laughing my mother freaking a** off |
LMNK | Leave my name out |
LMS | Like my status (Facebook) |
LNT | Meaning lost in translation |
LOA | List of acronyms |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
LOL | Laugh out loud |
LOL | Lots of love |
LOLH | Laughing out loud hysterically |
LOLO | Lots of love |
LOLWTF | Laughing out loud (saying) "What the *freak*?" |
LOTI | Laughing on the inside |
LOTR | Lord of The Rings (online gaming) |
LQTM | Laughing quietly to myself |
LSHMBH | Laugh so hard my belly hurts |
LSV | Language, sex and violence |
LTD | Living the dream |
LTLWDLS | Let's twist like we did last summer |
LTNS | Long time no see |
LTOD | Laptop of death |
LTS | Laughing to self |
LULT | Love you long time |
LULZ | Meaning joke, or for laughs |
LVM | Left voice mail |
LWOS | Laughing without smiling |
LY | Love ya |
LYLAS | Love you like a sis |
LYLC | Love you like crazy |
LYSM | Love you so much |
"M" Text Messages & Chat Abbreviations | |
M$ | Microsoft |
M8 | Mate |
MB | Mamma's boy |
MBS | Mom behind shoulder |
MC | Merry Christmas |
MDIAC | My Dad is a cop |
MEGO | My eyes glaze over |
MEH | Meaning a "shrug" or shrugging shoulders |
MEH | Meaning a "so-so" or "just okay" |
MEHH | Meaning a "sigh" or sighing |
MEZ | Meaning "mesmerize" (online gaming) |
MFI | Mad for it |
MFW | My face when… (Used with photo or gif) |
MGB | May God bless |
MGMT | Management |
MHOTY | My hat (is) off to you |
MIRL | Me in real life |
MIRL | Meet in real life |
MISS.(number) | Meaning "child and her age". Miss.3 would be a 3-year old daughter |
MKAY | Meaning "Mmm, okay" |
MLM | Meaning give the middle finger |
MM | Sister (Mandarin Chinese txt msg) |
MMK | Meaning okay? (as a question) |
MNC | Mother nature calls |
MNSG | Mensaje (message in Spanish) |
MOD | Moderator |
MOD | Modification (online gaming) |
MORF | Male or female? |
MOMBOY | Mamma's boy |
MOO | My own opinion |
MOOS | Member of the opposite sex |
MOS | Mother over shoulder |
MOSS | Member of same sex |
MP | Mana points (online gaming) |
MR.(number) | Meaning "child and his age". Mr.3 would be a 3-year old son |
MRT | Modified ReTweet (Twitter slang) |
MRW | My reaction when… (Used with photo or gif) |
MSG | Message |
MTF | More to follow |
MTFBWU | May the force be with you |
MU | Miss U (you) |
MUAH | Multiple unsuccessful attempts (at/to) humor |
MUSM | Miss you so much |
MWAH | Meaning "kiss" (it is is the sound made when kissing through the air) |
MYO | Mind your own (business) |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
"N" Text Message & Chat Abbreviations | |
n00b | Newbie |
N1 | Nice one |
N2M | Nothing too much |
NADT | Not a darn thing |
NALOPKT | Not a lot of people know that |
NANA | Not now, no need |
NBD | No big deal |
NBFAB | No bad for a beginner (online gaming) |
NC | Nice crib (online gaming) |
ND | Nice double (online gaming) |
NE | Any |
NE1 | Anyone |
NERF | Meaning "Changed and is now weaker" (online gaming) |
NFM | None for me / Not for me |
NFM | Not for me |
NGL | Not gonna (going to) lie |
NFS | Need for Speed (online gaming) |
NFS | Not for sale |
NFW | No *freaking* way |
NFW | Not for work |
NFWS | Not for work safe |
NH | Nice hand (online gaming) |
NIFOC | Naked in front of computer |
NIGI | Now I get it |
NIMBY | Not in my back yard |
NIROK | Not in reach of keyboard |
NLT | No later than |
NM | Nothing much |
NM | Never mind |
NM | Nice meld (online gaming) |
NMH | Not much here |
NMJC | Nothing much, just chilling |
NMU | Not much, you? |
NO1 | No one |
NOOB | Meaning someone who is bad at (online) games |
NOWL | Meaning "knowledge" |
NOYB | None of your business |
NP | No problem |
NPC | Non-playing character (online gaming) |
NQT | Newly qualified teacher |
NR | Nice roll (online gaming) |
NRN | No response/reply necessary |
NS | Nice score (online gaming) |
NS | Nice split (online gaming) |
NSA | No strings attached |
NSFL | Not safe for life |
NSFW | Not safe for work |
NSISR | Not sure if spelled right |
NT | Nice try |
NTHING | Nothing (SMS) |
NTS | Note to self |
NVM | Never mind |
NVR | Never |
NW | No way |
NWO | No way out |
"O" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
O4U | Only for you |
O | Opponent (online gaming) |
O | Meaning "hugs" |
O | Over |
OA | Online auctions (see more auction abbreviations) |
OATUS | On a totally unrelated subject |
OB | Oh baby |
OB | Oh brother |
OBV | Obviously |
OFC | Of course |
OG | Original gangster |
OGIM | Oh God, it's Monday |
OH | Overheard |
OHHEMMGEE | Meaning "Oh My God" (alternate of OMG) |
OI | Operator indisposed |
OIB | Oh, I'm back |
OIC | Oh, I see |
OJ | Only joking |
OL | Old lady |
OLL | Online love |
OM | Old man |
OM | Oh, my |
OMAA | Oh, my aching *A* (butt) |
OMDB | Over my dead body |
OMFG | Oh my *freaking* God |
omfglmaobbqrofl copteriss | oh my *freaking* god, laugh my *a* off, owned, roll on floor spinning around I'm so sad |
OMG | Oh my God |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
OMGYG2BK | Oh my God, you got to be kidding |
OMGYS | Oh my gosh you suck |
OMS | On my soul (meaning "promise") |
OMW | On my way |
ONL | Online |
OO | Over and out |
OOC | Out of character |
OOH | Out of here |
OOMF | One of my followers |
OOTD | One of these days |
OOTD | Outfit of the day (Instagram) |
OOTO | Out of the office |
OP | On phone |
ORLY | Oh really? |
OS | Operating system |
OT | Off topic (discussion forums) |
OTB | Off to bed |
OTFL | On the floor laughing |
OTL | Out to lunch |
OTOH | On the other hand |
OTP | On the phone |
OTP | One true pairing; two people you would love to see as a couple |
OTT | Over the top |
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head |
OTW | Off to work |
OVA | Over |
OYO | On your own |
"P" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
P | Partner (online gaming) |
P2P | Parent to parent |
P2P | Peer to peer |
P2P | Pay to play (online gaming) |
P911 | Parents coming into room alert |
PAP | Post a picture |
PAT | Meaning "patrol" (online gaming) |
PAW | Parents are watching |
PBOOK | Phonebook (e-mail) |
PC | Player character (online gaming) |
PCM | Please call me |
PDA | Personal display (of) affection |
PDH | Pretty darn happy |
PDS | Please don't shoot |
PDQ | Pretty darn quick |
PEEPS | People |
PFT | Pretty *freaking* tight |
PIC | Picture |
PIP | Peeing in pants (laughing hard) |
PIR | Parents in room |
PISS | Put in some sugar |
PITA | Pain in the *butt* |
PKMN | Pokemon (online gaming) |
PL8 | Plate |
PLD | Played |
PLMK | Please let me know |
PLS | Please |
PLU | People like us |
PLZ | Please |
PLZTLME | Please tell me |
PM | Private Message |
PMFI | Pardon me for interrupting |
PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in |
PMSL | Pee myself laughing |
POAHF | Put on a happy face |
POIDH | Picture, or it didn't happen |
POS | Parent over shoulder |
POT | Meaning "potion" (online gaming) |
POTD | Photo of the day (Instagram) |
POV | Point of view |
POV | Privately owned vehicle (originally used to differentiate an individual's vehicle from a military vehicle) |
PPL | People |
PPU | Pending pick-up |
PRESH | Precious |
PROBS | Probably |
PROLLY | Probably |
PROGGY | Meaning computer program |
PRON | Meaning pornography |
PRT | Party |
PRT | Please Retweet (Twitter slang) |
PRW | People/parents are watching |
PSA | Public Service Announcement |
PSOS | Parent standing over shoulder |
PSP | Playstation Portable |
PST | Please send tell (online gaming) |
PTFO | Pass the *freak* out |
PTIYPASI | Put that in your pipe and smoke it |
PTL | Praise the Lord |
PTMM | Please tell me more |
PTO | Paid time off |
PTO | Personal time off |
PTO | Parent Teacher Organization |
PUG | Pick up group (online gaming) |
PVE | Player vs enemy, Player versus environment (online gaming) |
PVP | Player versus player (online gaming) |
PWN | Meaning "own" |
PXT | Please explain that |
PU | That stinks! |
PUKS | Pick up kids (SMS) |
PYT | Pretty young thing |
PZ | Peace |
PZA | Pizza |
"Q" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
Q | Queue |
Q4U | (I have a) question for you |
QC | Quality control |
QFE | Question for everyone |
QFI | Quoted for idiocy |
QFI | Quoted for irony |
QFT | Quoted for truth |
QIK | Quick |
QL | Quit laughing |
QOTD | Quote of the day |
QQ (qq) (Q_Q) | Meaning "crying eyes" |
Quick question | |
QSL | Reply |
QSO | Conversation |
QT | Cutie |
QTPI | Cutie pie |
"R" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
R | Meaning "are" |
R8 | Rate (SMS) |
RBAY | Right back at you |
RFN | Right *freaking* now |
RGR | Roger (I agree, I understand) |
RHIP | Rank has its privileges |
RIP | Rest in peace |
RL | Real life |
RLY | Really |
RME | Rolling my eyes |
RMLB | Read my lips baby |
RMMM | Read my mail man |
ROFL | Rolling on floor laughing |
ROFLCOPTER | Rolling on floor laughing and spinning around |
ROFLMAO | Rolling on the floor, laughing my *butt* off |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFLUTS | Rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak |
RS | Runescape (online gaming) |
RSN | Real soon now |
RT | Roger that |
RT | Retweet (Twitter slang) |
RTBS | Reason to be single |
RTFM | Read the *freaking* manual |
RTFQ | Read the *freaking* question |
RTHX | Meaning "Thanks for the RT (Retweet)" (Twitter slang) |
RTMS | Read the manual, stupid |
RTNTN | Retention (email, Government) |
RTRCTV | Retroactive (email, Government) |
RTRMT | Retirement (email, Government) |
RTSM | Read the stupid manual |
RTWFQ | Read the whole *freaking* question |
RU | Are you? |
RUMOF | Are you male or female? |
RUT | Are u (you) there? |
RUOK | Are you okay? |
RX | Regards |
RW | Real world |
RX | Meaning drugs or prescriptions |
RYB | Read your Bible |
RYO | Roll your own |
RYS | Read your screen |
RYS | Are you single? |
"S" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
S2R | Send to receive (meaning send me your picture to get mine) |
S2S | Sorry to say |
S4L | Spam for life |
SAL | Such a laugh |
SAT | Sorry about that |
SAVAGE | Slang for a shockingly careless expression or response to an event or message |
SB | Snap back (Snapchat) |
SB | Should be |
SB | Smiling back |
SBIA | Meaning Standing back in amazement |
SBT | Sorry 'bout that |
SC | Stay cool |
SD | Sweet dreams |
SDMB | Sweet dreams, my baby |
SENPAI | Meaning someone older than you, someone you look up to |
SEO | Search engine optimization |
SETE | Smiling Ear-to-Ear |
SELFIE | A photo that is taken of oneself for social media sharing (definition) |
SFAIK | So far as I know |
SH | Same here |
SH^ | Shut up |
SHID | Slapping head in disgust |
SHIP | Slang for "wishing two people were in a relationship" |
SICNR | Sorry, I could not resist |
SIG2R | Sorry, I got to run |
SIHTH | Stupidity is hard to take |
SIMYC | Sorry I missed your call |
SIR | Strike it rich |
SIS | Snickering in silence |
SIS | Meaning sister |
SIT | Stay in touch |
SITD | Still in the dark |
SJW | Social justice warrior |
SK8 | Skate |
SK8NG | Skating |
SK8R | Skater |
SK8RBOI | Skater Boy |
SLAP | Sounds like a plan |
Slay | To succeed at something |
SM | Social media |
SMAZED | Smoky haze (marijuana stoned) |
SMEXI | Combination of sexy and Mexican, used to describe attractive people |
SMH | Shaking my head |
SMHID | Scratching my head in disbelief |
SNAFU | Situation normal all fouled up |
SNERT | Snot nosed egotistical rude teenager |
SNR | Streaks and Recents (Snapchat) |
SO | Significant other |
SOAB | Son of a *B* |
S'OK | Meaning It' (s) okay (ok) |
SOL | Sooner or later |
SOMY | Sick of me yet? |
SorG | Straight or Gay? |
SOS | Meaning help |
SOS | Son of Sam |
SOT | Short of time |
SOTMG | Short of time, must go |
SOWM | Someone with me |
SPK | Speak (SMS) |
SRSLY | Seriously |
SPST | Same place, same time |
SPTO | Spoke to |
SQ | Square |
SRY | Sorry |
SS | So sorry |
SSDD | Same stuff, different day |
SSIF | So stupid it's funny |
SSINF | So stupid it's not funny |
ST&D | Stop texting and drive |
Stan | Meaning a die-hard fan of someone (Snapchat) |
STFU | Shut the *freak* up |
STR8 | Straight |
STW | Search the Web |
SU | Shut up |
SUITM | See you in the morning |
SUL | See you later |
SUP | What's up? |
SUTH | So use(d) to haters (Facebook) |
SUX | Meanings sucks or "it sucks" |
SUYF | Shut up you fool |
SWAG | Meaning free stuff and giveaways from tech tradeshows (definition) |
SWAG | Scientific wild *a* guess |
SWAK | Sent (or sealed) with a kiss |
SWALK | Sealed (or sealed) with a loving kiss |
SWAT | Scientific wild *butt* guess |
SWL | Screaming with laughter |
SWMBO | She who must be obeyed. Meaning wife or partner |
SYL | See you later |
SYS | See you soon |
SYY | Shut your yapper |
"T" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
T+ | Think positive |
T4BU | Thanks for being you |
T:)T | Think happy thoughts |
TA | Thanks a lot |
TAFN | That's all for now |
TAM | Tomorro a.m. |
TANK | Meaning really strong |
TANKED | Meaning "owned" |
TANKING | Meaning "owning" |
TARFU | Things Are Really *fouled* Up. |
TAU | Thinking about u (you) |
TAUMUALU | Thinking about you miss you always love you |
TBAG | Process of disgracing a corpse, taunting a fragged/killed player (online gaming) |
TBBH | To be brutally honest |
TBC | To be continued |
TBD | To be determined |
TBH | To be honest |
TBL | Text back later |
TBT | Throwback Thursday (Twitter slang) |
TC | Take care |
TCB | Take care of business |
TCOY | Take care of yourself |
TD | Tower defense (online gaming) |
TD2M | Talk dirty to me |
TDTM | Talk dirty to me |
TEA | Meaning gossip |
TFF | Too *freaking* funny |
TFS | Thanks for sharing |
TFTF | Thanks for the follow (Twitter slang) |
TFTI | Thanks for the invitation |
TFTT | Thanks for this tweet (Twitter slang) |
TG | Thank goodness |
TGIF | Thank God it's Friday |
THNQ | Thank-you (SMS) |
THNX | Thanks |
THOT | That wh*re over there |
THT | Think happy thoughts |
THX | Thanks |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
TIAD | Tomorrow is another day |
TIC | Tongue-in-cheek |
TIL | Today I learned |
TILIS | Tell it like it is |
TIR | Teacher in room |
TLK2UL8R | Talk to you later |
TL | Too long |
TL;DR | Too long; didn't read |
TM | Trust me |
TMA | Take my advice |
TMB | Text me back |
TMB | Tweet me back (Twitter slang) |
TMI | Too much information |
TMOT | Trust me on this |
TMTH | Too much to handle |
TMYL | Tell me your location |
TMWFI | Take my word for it |
TNSTAAFL | There's no such thing as a free lunch |
TNT | Til next time |
TOJ | Tears of joy |
TOS | Terms of service |
TOTES | Totally |
TOU | Thinking of you |
TOY | Thinking of you |
TPM | Tomorrow p.m. |
TPTB | The powers that be |
TQ | Te quiero / I love you (Spanish SMS) |
TSH | Tripping so hard |
TSNF | That's so not fair |
TSTB | The sooner, the better |
TT | Trending topic (Twitter slang) |
TTFN | Ta ta for now |
TTLY | Totally |
TTTT | These things take time |
TTUL | Talk to you later |
TU | Thank you |
TUI | Turning you in |
TURNT | Meaning excitement, turned up |
TWSS | That's what she said |
TTG | Time to go |
TTYAFN | Talk to you awhile from now |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
TTYS | Talk to you soon |
TY | Thank you |
TYFC | Thank you for charity (online gaming) |
TYFYC | Thank you for your comment |
TYS | Told you so |
TYT | Take your time |
TYSO | Thank you so much |
TYAFY | Thank you and *freak* you |
TYVM | Thank you very much |
TX | Thanks |
"U" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
^URS | Up yours |
UCMU | You crack me up |
UDI | Unidentified drinking injury (meaning bruise, scratch, ache and so on) |
UDM | U (You) da (the) man |
UDS | Ugly domestic scene |
UFB | Un *freaking* believable |
UFN | Until further notice |
UFWM | You *freaking* with me? |
UGTBK | You've got to be kidding |
UHGTBSM | You have got to be s#$t*ing me! |
UKTR | You know that's right |
UL | Upload |
U-L | Meaning "You will" |
UNA | Use no acronyms |
UN4TUN8 | Unfortunate |
UNBLEFBLE | Unbelievable |
UNCRTN | Uncertain |
UNPC | Un- (not) politically correct |
UOK | (Are) You ok? |
UR | You are / You're |
UR2YS4ME | You are too wise for me |
URA* | You are a star |
URH | You are hot (U R Hot) |
URSKTM | You are so kind to me |
URTM | You are the man |
URW | You are welcome |
USBCA | Until something better comes along |
USU | Usually |
UT | Unreal Tournament (online gaming) |
UT2L | You take too long |
UTM | You tell me |
UV | Unpleasant visual |
UW | You're welcome |
UX | User experience |
"V" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
V | Very |
VAT | Value added tax |
VBL | Visible bra line |
VBS | Very big smile |
VC | Voice chat |
VEG | Very evil grin |
VFF | Very freaking funny |
VFM | Value for money |
VGC | Very good condition |
VGG | Very good game (online gaming) |
VGH | Very good hand (online gaming) |
VIP | Very important person |
VM | Voice mail |
VN | Very nice |
VNH | Very nice hand (online gaming) |
VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol (definition) |
VRY | Very |
VSC | Very soft chuckle |
VSF | Very sad face |
VWD | Very well done (online gaming) |
VWP | Very well played (online gaming) |
"W" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
[email protected] | What? |
W/ | With |
W/B | Welcome back |
W3 | WWW (Web address) |
W8 | Wait |
WAH | Working at home |
WAJ | What a jerk |
WAM | Wait a minute |
WAN2 | Want to? (SMS) |
WAN2TLK | Want to talk |
WAREZ | Meaning pirated (illegally gained) software |
WAS | Wait a second |
WAS | Wild *a* guess |
WAT | What |
WAWA | Where are we at? |
WAYF | Where are you from? |
W/B | Write back |
WB | Welcome back |
WBS | Write back soon |
WBU | What about you? |
WC | Welcome |
WC | Who cares |
WCA | Who cares anyway |
W/E | Whatever |
W/END | Weekend |
WE | Whatever |
WEBO | Webopedia |
WEEBO | Describes a person obsessed with of Japanese culture |
WEP | Weapon (online gaming) |
WH5 | Who, what, when, where, why |
WHATEVES | Whatever |
WIBNI | Wouldn't it be nice if |
WDALYIC | Who died and left you in charge |
WDYK | What do you know? |
WDYT | What do you think? |
WGACA | What do you think? |
WIIFM | What's in it for me? |
WISP | Winning is so pleasurable |
WITP | What is the point? |
WITW | What in the world |
WIU | Wrap it up |
WK | Week |
WKD | Weekend |
WRT | With regard to |
WL | Whatta loser |
W/O | Without |
WOA | Work of Art |
WOKE | Slang for people who are aware of current social issues, and politics |
WOMBAT | Waste of money, brains and time |
WOW | World of Warcraft (online gaming) |
WRK | Work |
WRU | Where are you? |
[email protected] | Where are you at? |
WRUD | What are you doing? |
WTB | Want to buy (online gaming) |
WTF | What the *freak* ? |
WTFE | What the *freak* ever |
WTFO | What the *freak* ?, over. |
WTG | Way to go |
WTGP | Want to go private (talk out of public chat area) |
WTH | What the heck? |
WTM | Who's the man? |
WTS | Want to sell? (online gaming) |
WTT | Want to trade? (online gaming) |
WU | What's up? |
WUCIWUG | What you see is what you get |
WUF | Where are you from? |
WUP | What's up? |
WUT | Meaning "what" |
WUW | What u (you) want? |
WUU2 | What are you up to? |
WUZ | Meaning "was" |
WWJD | What would Jesus do? |
WWJD | What Would Judd Do? (Artist Donald Judd, who was known to do things in his own compulsive way.) |
WWNC | Will wonders never cease |
WWYC | Write when you can |
WYCM | Will you call me? |
WYD | What (are) you doing? |
WYGAM | When you get a minute |
WYHAM | When you have a minute |
WYLEI | When you least expect it |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get |
WYWH | Wish you were here |
"X" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
X-1-10 | Meaning "Exciting" |
X | Kiss |
X! | Meaning "a typical woman" |
XD | Meaning "really hard laugh" (where D is a smiley mouth) |
XD | Meaning a "devilish smile" |
XME | Excuse Me |
XOXOXO | Hugs & Kisses |
XLNT | Excellent |
XLR8 | Meaning "faster" or "going faster" |
XPOST | Meaning Cross-post. A link posted to a subreddit that was already shared on a different subreddit (Reddit) |
XYL | Ex-young lady, meaning wife. (amateur radio) |
XYZ | Examine your zipper |
"Y" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
Y? | Why? |
Y | Meaning Yawn |
Y2K | You're too kind |
YA | Your |
YAA | Yet another acronym |
YABA | Yet another bloody acronym |
YARLY | Ya, really? |
YAS | Meaning "praise" |
YBIC | Your brother in Christ |
YBS | You'll be sorry |
YCDBWYCID | You can't do business when your computer is down |
YCHT | You can have them |
YCLIU | You can look it up |
YCMU | You crack me up |
YCT | Meaning Your comment to? |
YD | Yesterday |
YEET | Meaning excitement, approval or display of energy (i.e. throwing something) |
YF | Wife |
YG | Young gentleman |
YGG | You go girl |
YGTBKM | You've got to be kidding me |
YGTR | You got that right |
YHBT | You have been trolled |
YHBW | You have been warned |
YHL | You have lost |
YIU | Yes, I understand |
YKW | You know what |
YKWYCD | You know what you can do |
YL | Young lady |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary |
YNK | You never know |
YOLO | You only live once |
YR | Your |
YR | Yeah right |
YRYOCC | You're running your own cuckoo clock |
YSIC | Your sister in Christ |
YSYD | Yeah sure you do |
YT | YouTube |
YT | You there? |
YTB | You're the best |
YTB | Youth talk back |
YTTL | You take too long |
YTG | You're the greatest |
YW | You're welcome |
YWHNB | Yes, we have no bananas |
YWHOL | Yelling "woohoo" out loud |
YWSYLS | You win some, you lose some |
YYSSW | Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever |
"Z" Text Message / Chat Abbreviations | |
Z | Zero |
Z | Z's are calling (meaning going to bed/sleep) |
Z | Meaning "Said" |
Z% | Zoo |
ZH | Sleeping Hour |
ZOMG | Used in World of Warcraft to mean OMG (Oh My God) |
ZOT | Zero tolerance |
ZUP | Meaning "What's up?" |
ZZZZ | Sleeping (or bored) |
The History of Text Messaging
Did you Know…? The world's first text message was sent from a computer to a cellphone by British engineer, Neil Papworth on December 03, 1992. It read: "Merry Christmas" and this single text message revolutionized the way we communicate.
Submit an Online Chat Abbreviation
Webopedia's chat abbreviation and online lingo page is frequently updated. If you have a comment about this page or would like to suggest a chat abbreviation for inclusion, please connect with us on Twitter or Facebook and send a message!
Related Webopedia Chat Guides
- Twitter Chat Dictionary
- Smiley Faces and Emoticons
- Online Auction and Classified Ad abbreviations
- How to Text a cellphone from a Computer
Vangie Beal
Vangie Beal is a freelance business and technology writer covering Internet technologies and online business since the late '90s.
What Does Rof Stand for in Texting
Source: https://www.webopedia.com/reference/text-abbreviations/